Student Engagement

foundations student engagement Nov 25, 2022
Confused student not knowing how to go about their digital learning

"But Miss...I didn't know where to submit my work". Does this sound familiar?

CONFUSED STUDENTS ARE DISENGAGED STUDENTS! If students don't know what they have to do or how to go about their learning environment, they are not going to engage with the materials and motivation for learning will go down the drain.

👉 Here are 3 Top Tips to make sure you have this covered and your students are not lost in your Blended, Hybrid or Fully Asynchronous Classroom.

I really see these as the ' 3 Foundational Pillars ' :

1. Structure

2. Consistency

3. Clarity


In the Infographic below I give you an example of how I structured my online curriculum for my international students taking my Academic English Module by using Module Maps. Module Maps are visuals that can be used to organise term/weekly topics, learning objectives, important dates, assessment information, key learning strategies etc.

A great tool to create Module Maps/ Course Maps is Genially (i'm a bit biased as I use Genially for a million different things - but more on Genially in a different post!). I really like the interactivity of Genially, but you can use other tools like Canva, Prezi etc.

You can then put your Module Map inside your LMS. In the Infographic below, you can see 2 of my own examples - my Module Map inside Moodle and my Course Map inside Kajabi.

Click on the interactive icons on the Infographic for descriptions and examples.








Do you create Module Maps for your students?

How do you feel about the way you structure your online learning environment?

by Andrea M West | BlendedLearningDesigns

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